Thursday, May 31, 2012

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Manhattan Right To Life Committee: The Electronic Page

Manhattan Right to Life Committee

211 East 43rd Street
(212) 947-2692 — Fax (212) 947-7617

Pregnant and Need help? -- Call 1-212-243-7119

Jeanne E. Head, RN; President

The year 2012 is now upon us -- this new year will be the most important year in the pro-life struggle since abortion-on-demand was first made legal!

There are two very different ways that this very important year can end up. On the one hand, we could see a pro-life president inaugurated, taking office along with a pro-life Congress, which will then begin to address the failings of ObamaCare.
On the other hand, Barack Hussein Obama -- along with his radically pro-abortion administration -- could be re-elected. This means full implementation of ObamaCare, with its special abortion tax, health care rationing, forced participation in abortions by medical professionals, all among other things
The first thing we have to do is get informed -- and stay informed. Check MRLC's blog. Check in weekly. Keep up with the selections on our Resource Page, including National RTL and New York State RTL.
Here at Manhattan Right to Life, we too need your help to tell the truth about abortion and save babies' lives.

So, please, become active in MRLC, or
-- or both! -- call us at (212) 947-2692, fax us at (212) 947-7617; or send us your email.
Thank you for visiting the MRLC web page. Come back soon!
Send your feedback now!

Produced by Manhattan Right to Life -- Affiliate of the New York State Right to Life Committee
Jeanne E. Head, RN; President

Friday, May 25, 2012

Obama Again, HHS Again & From the Academy.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Obama signs $20M contract for ObamaCare public relations.
Not only are Americans forced to fund abortions and potentially rationing in the ObamaCare health care scheme, but new reports reveal Obama is spending $20 million on an election-year public relations plan to promote it.

Democrats expressing buyers’ remorse on Obama's healthcare law.

An increasing number of Democrats are taking potshots at Obama’s healthcare law.

43 Catholic dioceses, universities, and other groups sue to stop HHS mandate.

Forty-three Catholic dioceses, schools, hospitals, social service agencies, and other institutions filed suit today, accusing Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services of violating the First Amendment and federal law by requiring Catholic organizations to “sacrifice their beliefs in order to be able to continue their mission of serving all people in need.”

"Pro-Choice" Americans at record low.

A new Gallup surveyfinds the percentage of Americans who identify them selves as supporting legalized abortion has dropped to a record low.

“Proudly Pro-Life Award” winner examines the breadth and depth of the Obama assault on religious liberties.

If you missed it, 43 Catholic institutions filed suit, accusing Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services of violating the First Amendment and federal law by requiring Catholic organizations to “sacrifice their beliefs in order to be able to continue their mission of serving all people in need.”

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Repeats, ObamaCare Casualty, and Obama & Naral.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

British Govt Spends $1 Million Weekly on Repeat Abortions.

New figures from the United Kingdom show the British government spends one million every week in taxpayer funding for abortions for women who have having at least their second, or more, abortion.

USCCB Submits Comments on Proposed HHS Rulemaking, Urges Reopening of Final Rule Defining Mandate, Exemption.

Outstanding issues should be resolved ‘in favor of more, not less, religious freedom.’

Franciscan University was the first casualty of the new Obama HHS mandate.

Obama declared “If you like your health care coverage you can keep it,” when it came to passing ObamaCare, this college in Ohio has determined it can no longer offer a student health insurance plan.

Pro-Abortion NARAL enthusiastically endorses Obama.

Find out why!

Just how low will abortion supporters stoop?

XOjane has the answer.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Cut PP, Baby 'Powder' & Abortion Insurance.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

California Bill on non-doctors doing abortions defeated.

A bill to allow non-doctors to do abortions was defeated by the California state legislature – though the sponsor of the measure promises to try again.

Gov. Brewer signs Arizona ban on Planned Parenthood funding.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signs bill to cut off Planned Parenthood's access to taxpayer money funneled through the state for non-abortion services.

Depravity:  Thousands of pills filled with powdered remains of dead babies discovered by customs officials in South Korea.

Obama promoting abortion in on-line ads, campaign speech.

Obama is not running away from his extensive pro-abortion record -- although he is employing euphemisms not to have to refer to the word abortion and his support for it, Obama is campaigning on a pro-abortion platform.

HHS issues rule on ObamaCare scheme to fund abortion insurance.

The Obama Administration has taken another step in what amounts to a four-year plan to make abortion-covering health insurance, subsidized by the federal government, commonly available in the United States.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Pepsi stops, Obama's "Faith Advisor" and Oklahoma & Georgia.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Pepsi stops using aborted fetal cell lines to test flavors.

After months of pro-life protests and opposition, PepsiCo has indicated it will no longer contract with biotech firm Senomyx Inc., which uses cells from babies killed by abortion to conduct flavor testing.

Obama's "Faith Advisor" to head Pro-Abortion religious group.

The Obama administration has a history of hiring pro-abortion activists for top staff positions. Now, a pro-abortion former member of Obama’s faith advisory committee has taken a position heading up a pro-abortion religious group.  The Reverend Harry Knox, a former official with the pro-abortion Human Rights Campaign who has served on the Obama faith-based commission, will serve as the head of the Religious Coalition on Reproductive Choice (RCRC).

Are the scales falling from the public’s eyes about Obama?

You could fill an entire library with books on the topic of why do genuinely smart people so often put their intelligence in mothballs? I can understand falling in love with “Hope and Change”—well, I kind of understand—but why did that leave people who are not on the left of the ideological spectrum so enthralled by a man about whom they knew next to nothing?

Obama is headed anywhere but forward.

You have to hand it to Obama and his cabal of re-election strategists; they are masters of illusion. Their newly released Web video and its accompanying campaign slogan, "Forward," are science fiction-level fantastical.

Pro-Life bills signed into law in Oklahoma and Georgia.

It’s been a very good four days for the Right to Life Movement. On Friday, pro-life Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed into law two measures.

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