Friday, August 31, 2012

Pro-Life Platform & Skip Communion & Threat to Religious Liberty.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Marco Rubio defends GOP pro-life platform from media attacks.

The media is falling all over itself attempting to portray Republicans as extremists on abortion because they are set to give final approval today to the plank that calls for a Human Life Amendment protecting unborn children from abortion.

Catholic Bishop: pro-abortion Joe Biden should skip Communion.

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver says Barack Hussein's running mate, Joe Biden, should refrain from the sacrament.

HHS Mandate “serious” threat to religious liberty.

Are the concerns of religious employers about a mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) simply a matter of getting “all worked up over nothing,” a new video asks, as the Obama Administration suggests?

Another blatant abortion falsehood from Team Obama.

Every time I hear Team Obama tell another breathtaking whopper, I think of various quotes that remind us how quickly lies can first surface and how long it often takes to get rid of them.

Ad to blast Obama for bowing to foreign leaders.

The super PAC, Special Operations for America, is set to release a blistering new ad against Barack Hussein Obama.  The ad, titled “Bow to Nobody,” depicts Navy SEALs in combat situations; it then proclaims that they fight so that America will not have to bow to anybody.  Then the punch line: the infamous photo of Obama bowing to the Saudi king.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

'Newsweek' Speak, Old West, Real Tragedy.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

'Newsweek' cover story: Hit the Road Barack!

Newsweek magazine, which has been one of the most left-leaning publications in the country, tells us that:  "In his inaugural address, Obama promised “not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” He promised to “build the roads and bridges, the electric grids, and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.” He promised to “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.” And he promised to “transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.”

Liberal activist shoots up pro-life group’s office.

A security guard was shot August 15th, at the headquarters of the pro-life group Family Research Council, and the shooter has been apprehended while police officials investigate the act of violence.

Woman rushed to Ohio hospital after botched late-term abortion.

New information coming to light only today shows a woman was apparantly rushed to the hospital in Dayton, Ohio following a botched late-term abortion that took place at the Women’s Med Center abortion clinic in Dayton.

The real tragedy Of ObamaCare has yet to be felt by the poor.

One of the most tragic failings of ObamaCare is that it will make it harder for many of the most vulnerable citizens – patients with no option but Medicaid – to get care.

Unearthed video shows Obama supporting late-term Abortions.

Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack has unearthed a video from 2003, when Barack Hussein Barack Obama was running for the U.S. Senate from Illinois, in which he defends his position favoring late-term abortions.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

They're Back! + Bizarre + "Difficult."

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Catholics for Obama are back to hide Barack Hussein's abortion record.

During the 2008 presidential election, a Catholics for Obama effort led by Pepperdine law professor Douglas Kmiec apologized for then candidate Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record. Now, a new group of Catholics professors are leading a new effort to get the pro-abortion activist re-elected.

“Catholics for Obama” Co-Chair lies to present Obama as being Pro-Life.

Many believers strive for fidelity to their faith’s standards in humble reflection that those standards are rooted in divine wisdom. But there are also those who insist they know better and will square the circle of counting themselves among the faithful while picking and choosing which tenets to adopt and which to ignore.

Is Obama the real Pro-Life leader?

Nicholas Cafardi, a lawyer and newly named co-chair of "Catholics for Obama," has made a rather dubious claim: that it is Obama, and not Mitt Romney, who is the “true” pro-life candidate in this presidential election.

The deep unhappiness that lies behind an assertion that “I wish my mother would have aborted me.”

This curious and deeply unhappy article, written under a pseudonym, appeared first in a publication that congratulates itself that people who write for it are “dissatisfied with the limitations of deeply-embedded traditional gender roles," and tries to turn stories of redemption on their head.

How pro-abortionists defend abortion up to birth and for any reason, including the baby’s sex.

When faced with their own “difficult” cases, abortion advocates  customarily either deny they exist or rationalize them away or insist it’s none of anybody’s business. It’s amazing how many seem to matter of factly accept abortions no matter how developed the baby, but stumble . . . .

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Rationing, ObamaCare + Religious liberties.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

ObamaCare rationing begins, states cut prescription drug benefits.

When Congress pushed the ObamaCare bill through, pro-life groups warned about rationing that would take place as a result. Although liberal groups and the mainstream media laughed at the projections, they are now coming to pass.

Bishops urge Congress to act on Religious Liberty Crisis in health care.

Cardinal DiNardo highlights problems for religious institutions, individuals, sees Administration policy’s approach to religious freedom most grudging, arbitrary ever Congressional action defending religious freedom long overdue.

Calls for renewed commitment to Religious Liberty after ObamaCare Mandate implementation.
August 1, 2012 marked the beginning of implementation of the ObamaCare anti-conscience mandate, and with it come calls for continued vigilance to demand greater protection of religious liberty.

Iran’s Islamicists orchestrate a baby bust: who would have imagined?

Iran’s fertility rate has crashed over the past few decades of Islamicist rule. So much so that the mullahs who run the country are now calling for more babies to be born.  How did things come to such a pass?

Continuing problems with the ObamaCare law.

The recent Supreme Court decision to uphold the major provisions of ObamaCare, as Chief Justice John Roberts implied, does not make the law necessarily good policy or good politics. The evidence so far overwhelmingly refutes the law’s supporters on both fronts. The law continues to be a significant political liability, but more tragically, it has been an even bigger policy failure. Even the legal battles are just beginning.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Spain, ObamaCare + One-Term.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Spain will end abortions targeting disabled babies.

Spain’s justice minister, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, says upcoming legislation reforming the nation’s laws on abortions will eliminate fetal deformity as a basis for killing the unborn. That will end abortions targeting disabled children.  The legislation would eliminate abortion-on-demand during the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy as established by the previous administration. it would return the nation’s abortion law to a “law of conditions,” Ruiz-Gallardón told the Spanish publication La Razón.

The ObamaCare HHS mandate kicks in.

As of August 1, the Obamacare/HHS mandate requiring the provision of contraceptives, abortifacient drugs, and sterilization procedures — all in the name of “reproductive health” — is finalized.

First plaintiff beats Obama HHS-Abortion Mandate in court.

A federal court issued an order Friday that halts enforcement of the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate against a Colorado family-owned business while an Alliance Defending Freedom lawsuit challenging the mandate continues in court.

How much is the ObamaCare Mandate going to cost You?

So just how much is that new ObamaCare tax going to cost You? For some people, a lot more than You have been hearing.

Hope and Change:

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