Friday, March 9, 2012

Obama, Forced Mandates and Planned Parenthood's $$.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Turning back to the coercive mandate the Obama Administration is forcing on the USA . . .

The Sandra Fluke frenzy has been adroitly used by anti-life forces: from the beginning, the administration’s strategy on the mandate issue has been to confuse and distract, counting on people losing interest in the midst of complication; along with drama: bishops vs. women [never mind that it's not true].

Resistance grows to Obama mandate.

An update in the many-pronged resistance to Obama’s Mandate that forces virtually all employers (religious, religiously-affiliated, or secular) to pay for services they regard as morally objectionable.

The “After-Birth Abortion” President.

There has been a lot of justifiable outrage over an essay published in the “Journal of Medical Ethics,” arguing infanticide. This outrage should remind citizens of the United States that Barack Hussein Obama opposed the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act while a state senator in Illinois.

Abortions at Planned Parenthood: Done in record numbers.

Here are Planned Parenthood’s own numbers. They reflect their activity in the abortion arena. As anyone can see, they are increasingly invested in performing this gruesome procedure.

YOUR tax dollars at work: Planned Parenthood gets almost half of its income from tax money.

Planned Parenthood has released its new annual report and the figures show the abortion business continues to make money despite PP's status as a nonprofit organization — and PP receives almost half of it's income from taxpayer dollars.

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