Friday, October 12, 2012

More debates! + HHS, again! + Who pays?

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Biden again puts out that he is personally opposed but . . . the decision to abort a child should be between a woman and her doctor.

One of the more fascinating and telling moments from last night’s vice-presidential debate, unfolded when moderator Martha Raddatz asked the candidates to speak about their faith and how it has impacted their stances on abortion.  Biden put out that when it comes to policy he refuses to force his abortion views upon others. The decision to abort a child, Biden maintained, should be between a woman and her doctor.

Joe Biden the flip-flopper: From “pro-life” to pro-abortion.

Joe Biden will continue the Obama campaign theme that Romney and Ryan hold “extreme” views on pro-life issues, or even that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” Yet, for anyone who is familiar with Biden’s actual record . . . .

Obama Admin: Bible publisher not religious enough for HHS Mandate.

Tyndale House, one of the world’s largest privately held Christian publishers, is apparently not religious enough to meet the Obama administration's HHS mandate.

Alana Goodman, of Commentary reviews the presidential debate, saying it "was a bloodbath, with Obama on the losing end of it."

Chart of the Week: Poor, Middle Class Hit by Obamacare Mandate Tax.

With campaign season in full tilt, Americans are being inundated with rhetoric regarding the various tax proposals touted by Barack Hussein Obama and Governor Romney.  One tax in partcular has received surprisingly little attention: the “penalty” levied on all Americans who do not buy health insurance.

A summary of the analyses and commentary related to the financial impact of ObamaCare on women and families.

A summary of Barack Hussein Obama's various policy initiatives — and the tax increases that will be necessary to finance them.

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