Blog of Manhattan Right to Life
What is ObamaCare's "Independent Payment Advisory Board" and why was it was created?
IPAB was created pursuant to section 3403 of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act "(PPACA), and its ostensible purpose is to "control costs." In reality, the board's fifteen "experts" will impose old-fashioned price controls. Before Obamacare was signed into law in March of 2010, only Congress had the power to make changes to Medicare's reimbursement rates. But PPACA, for all intents and purposes, transfers that power to this tiny cadre of presidential appointees who will have no accountability to the voters.
The cost of saving Ave Maria from ObamaCare’s mandate.
Maria University, a Catholic institution in Naples, FL, dropped its student health insurance plan because of the moral costs that the Department of Health and Human Service’s anti-conscience mandate imposed on the school. The mandate requires all insurance plans to cover “preventative” services, including abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, and sterilization.
Pro-Abortionists Angry they lost at Rio Conference.
Last week NRL News Today reported on a major international pro-life victory. At “Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, The Future We Want,” the term “reproductive rights” was kept out of the conference’s final document.
National Right to Life: Supreme Court ObamaCare decision means pro-life Americans must increase political action.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding ObamaCare is a call-to-action for the right-to-life electorate to work to elect a Congress and president this November committed to repealing ObamaCare in 2013, in order to prevent a future in which abortion insurance will be heavily subsidized by federal taxpayers and federal bureaucrats will be authorized to ration life-saving medical treatment.
California Bill to allow nurses to do abortions resurfaces.
The bill has already failed twice before. However, tt appears the legislative situation has changed thanks to a trick from the pro-abortion lawmaker sponsoring it, and the bill could find itself on the fast track through the legislature, according to the California Family Council.
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