Thursday, July 5, 2012

Roe/Wade, ObamaCare & Christie.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Barack Hussein:  “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan" -- NOT!

See why experts have warned that ObamaCare’s new subsidy program could cause a mass exodus of businesses out of employer-sponsored insurance. New research from McKinsey and Company based on a survey of employers pumps up this concern.

John Roberts’ defection spells trouble for overturning Roe. What should pro-Lifers do about it?

The prospects for Roe v. Wade’s overturn now seem lessened.  Justice Roberts’ decisions are susceptible to media pressure and perception considerations, so it’s hard to imagine that the combination of that weakness and his pro-Roe dispositions could ever let him stand up to the firestorm of indignation that a serious threat to Roe would bring.

NJ Governor Chris Christie vetoes Planned Parenthood funding again!

For the fourth time, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has vetoed a bill that would have sent taxpayer funding to the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

Mississippi abortion mill granted last minute reprieve.

The Opposition's View:  Federal judge issues a preliminary injunction blocking a law that would have shuttered the Jackson Women's Health Organisation.

IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO ASK AGAIN:  What is ObamaCare's "Independent Payment Advisory Board" and why was it was created?

IPAB was created pursuant to section 3403 of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" supposedly to "control costs." Actually, the board's "experts" will impose old-fashioned price controls. Before ObamaCare, only Congress had the power to make changes to Medicare's reimbursement rates. But now that power is transfered to this tiny group of Obama appointees who will have no accountability to the voters.

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