Friday, August 26, 2011

Life Prize, States + Biden.

Blog of Manhattan Right To Life

Life Prizes Award Winners & Ceremony

UN Representative for National Right to Life and a Representative of the International Right to Life Federation, MRLC's Jeanne E. Head, debates the most politically powerful - from the Washington to the United Nations.

New Hampshire Won’t Reinstate Planned Parenthood Funding

The health department in New Hampshire will not reinstate $1.8 million in taxpayer funding revoked earlier this summer by the Executive Council, which will likely cause the abortion industry to scale back in the Granite State.

Virginia: Draft of abortion rules goes public

The Virginia Department of Health regulations to tighten up control of the state's abortion clinics is expected to be made public Friday, a week ahead of schedule.

Rick Perry signs pro-life pledge

On August 24th, Texas Governor Rick Perry became the seventh Republican presidential candidate to sign the Leadership Pledge.

Biden to China: “Not Second-Guessing” One-Child Policy

Joe Biden "fully understands" and is “Not Second-Guessing” this policy, which has resulted in forced sterilizations and coerced abortions.

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