Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving, Berwick out, Cain in.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Herman Cain signs pro-life pledge.

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has signed the Susan B. Anthony List's pro-life pledge, which commits candidates to abide by four pro-life goals if elected to the presidency.

New York State Right to Life on Facebook.

Rationing Proponent Donald Berwick Announces Resignation.

Just before he would have been forced to leave his post, Donald Berwick, the symbol for much of what opponents feared most about ObamaCare, announced his resignation as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Planned Parenthood Gives Tips to Promote Abortion at Thanksgiving.

The New York affiliate of the Planned Parenthood abortion business is giving out tips to its supporters to push abortion at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Back to defending Pro-Abortion Obama to Catholics.

Writing in the National Catholic Reporter, Douglas Kmiec tells Catholics to get over the fact that the Obama administration is about to adopt new ObamaCare rules to require insurance companies and religious organizations to pay for "benefits" such as birth control, contraception, and drugs that can cause abortions.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opting In & Opting Out

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Senators Want Info on Obama Denying Catholic Grant Over Abortion
A group of 27 senators are asking the Obama administration to provide more information concerning the grant the Obama administration denied to the nation’s Catholic bishops because they refused to refer for abortions.

Emails show Kagan excited about ObamaCare passage
At her confirmation hearing in 2010, now-Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan claimed that she was not" asked at any time to give her opinion on the merits of the ObamaCare. Newly released emails suggest that whether or not she was asked, Kagan was not shy about her enthusiasm for the bill.

NJ Hospital Should Tell the Truth about Its Abortion Policy.

Real trouble comes not so much from breaking the rules but from lying to cover it up. Yet that’s exactly what the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey is doing to cover up its illegal insistence that nurses assist in abortions, in violation of their religious and moral beliefs.

It’s Not that Easy to “Bow Out” of ObamaCare
Think that you can -- and maybe will -- opt out of ObamaCare? Think again!

Supreme Court to Hear Main Lawsuit Challenging ObamaCare
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the main lawsuit seeking to challenge the Obamacare law that pro-life groups opposed because it allowed taxpayer funding of abortions, failed to protect conscience rights and sparks rationing concerns.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Elections, Judges & A Pro-Life Compilation.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

November 8, 2011: Election Day

One year out from the 2012 general election, voters in parts of the nation have been busy with “off-year” and special elections. An overview follows.

Left-leaning DC Appeals Court upholds ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate requirement.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld a key proviso of ObamaCare—that most Americans get health insurance by 2014 or pay a penalty (the so-called individual mandate).

Ohio voters approve measure opposing Pro-Abortion ObamaCare.

Ohio voters on Tuesday night sent a strong message to pro-abortion Barack Hussein Obama by approving a ballot measure intended to keep government from requiring Ohioans to participate in a health care system.

Mississippi Personhood Amendment fails.

Mississippi voters on Tuesday made the Magnolia State the second to reject a personhood amendment that would have put the state on record as defining human life beginning at conception.

Barack Hussein Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation

A long, long compendium listing Obama's pro-abortion vision, activities and total commitment to abortion -- Lest we forget!

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Friday, November 4, 2011

ObamaCare, Shades, Spain.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Nurses File Suit to Stop Requirement to Participate in Abortions.

Last September, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey hospital initiated a policy change requiring nurses to participate in abortions or be terminated.

Shades of healthcare rationing.

States Limit Medicaid Hospital Stays, Highlighting Inadequacy of Health Care Financing.

Congress told ObamaCare violates Pro-Life conscience rights.

Members of Congress heard from panelists today in a hearing who told them that the insurance mandate the Obama administration is likely to add to the Obamacare health care reform law will violate conscience rights of pro-life advocates.

Spain's Partido Popular vows abortion law change.

Spain's centrist opposition Popular Party promises to modify the country's abortion law if elected, as per the party's manifesto released Sunday.

Pro-Lifers: Obama Religious Outreach can’t hide abortion record.

The Democratic National Committee announced today a new director of religious outreach who will undoubtedly attempt to help Obama get votes from social conservatives, whom he has turned off with his extensive pro-abortion record.

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