Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reversal + Rationed + Repeat.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

The challenger versus the Commander-in-Chief.
An amazing thing happened in the course of three presidential debates. The president became the challenger and the challenger became the Commander-in Chief.

Clint Eastwood stars in American Crossroads ad for Mitt Romney.
Clint Eastwood is starring in a new ad for the super PAC American Crossroads on behalf of Mitt Romney, released Wednesday.

MSNBC's Matthews claims it's unconstitutional for Romney to challenge Obama.
This week, MSNBC's Chris Matthews was angry with Mitt Romney challenging Barack Hussein Obama, on his record, Matthews commented that “I don’t think he [Romney] understands the Constitution of the United States . . . ”

Rationed end of life care for the elderly.
By centralizing control of health care, ObamaCare will cause us to turn on each other to grab bigger pieces of the medical pie. The elderly will be among the first victims, as has already happened in England. Recently, NPR held a debate on this very timely topic.

Repeat Abortions: What the research says. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute -- think-tank of Planned Parenthood -- approximately 45 percent of abortions are repeat abortions. Two new studies released last month have found increased risks for women who undergo multiple abortions.

 Billy Graham urges Christians to vote pro-life With pro-life values. Pastor Billy Graham is urging Christians to vote with their Biblical and pro-life values in the upcoming election.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Debates + Religious Liberty + Two and\or One.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Reflections on the second presidential debate.

NRLC's Dave Andrusko comments on some of the more interesting results of Debate Two, such as the all-important issue of the economy, where Romney lapped Obama, 65% to 34%, according to a CBS News Instant Poll.  Read on.

A Draw, or Better Than a Draw

Obama did not forfeit the debate as last time, and took his cue from Joe Biden in interrupting and muttering while Romney spoke, so his energy made it an entertaining night. Nevertheless, the same theme as in Denver emerged — Romney more often providing specific proposals and detailed critiques, and Obama preferring more often emoting and running more on hypotheticals, as if he were not an incumbent with a depressing record that he is obligated to defend.

Once again, Obama’s record wins it for Romney.

On the economy, even a re-energized Obama couldn’t overcome one nagging problem: His record. When it was time to defend four years of stagnation, Obama bent time and space and blamed Mitt Romney.

Debunked: Biden claims HHS Mandate not an assault on Religious Liberty.

The real “fact” about the anti-conscience mandate is that it applies to almost all employers—including many religious organizations such as hospitals and social service providers. It requires them to provide coverage that pays for abortion drugs, contraception, and sterilization regardless of moral or religious objections. The mandate affords the narrowest religious exemption in federal law, effectively covering only formal houses of worship.

When Planned Parenthood kills women too: A two for one deal?

It’s an ugly, immoral job, but by using phrases like “termination of pregnancy,” “pro-choice,” and “women’s health,” Planned Parenthood has been able to maintain both a quasi-respectable public image and their killing fields—all at the same time.  That all changed in July when 24-year old Tonya Reaves bled to death after an employee at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago aborted Tonya’s baby in the second trimester.  Roughly 12 hours after the child had been dismembered and pulled from Tonya’s womb, the 24-year-old was pronounced dead.

Biden’s lies about Religious Freedom

Here’s one final note about the vice presidential debate.

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Friday, October 12, 2012

More debates! + HHS, again! + Who pays?

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Biden again puts out that he is personally opposed but . . . the decision to abort a child should be between a woman and her doctor.

One of the more fascinating and telling moments from last night’s vice-presidential debate, unfolded when moderator Martha Raddatz asked the candidates to speak about their faith and how it has impacted their stances on abortion.  Biden put out that when it comes to policy he refuses to force his abortion views upon others. The decision to abort a child, Biden maintained, should be between a woman and her doctor.

Joe Biden the flip-flopper: From “pro-life” to pro-abortion.

Joe Biden will continue the Obama campaign theme that Romney and Ryan hold “extreme” views on pro-life issues, or even that Republicans are waging a “war on women.” Yet, for anyone who is familiar with Biden’s actual record . . . .

Obama Admin: Bible publisher not religious enough for HHS Mandate.

Tyndale House, one of the world’s largest privately held Christian publishers, is apparently not religious enough to meet the Obama administration's HHS mandate.

Alana Goodman, of Commentary reviews the presidential debate, saying it "was a bloodbath, with Obama on the losing end of it."

Chart of the Week: Poor, Middle Class Hit by Obamacare Mandate Tax.

With campaign season in full tilt, Americans are being inundated with rhetoric regarding the various tax proposals touted by Barack Hussein Obama and Governor Romney.  One tax in partcular has received surprisingly little attention: the “penalty” levied on all Americans who do not buy health insurance.

A summary of the analyses and commentary related to the financial impact of ObamaCare on women and families.

A summary of Barack Hussein Obama's various policy initiatives — and the tax increases that will be necessary to finance them.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

No Debate + Repeal + Polls,

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life
Those who say they can't support Romney are fooling themselves:  they ARE SUPPORTING OBAMA!!

No debate: Romney overwhelming winner in first presidential debate!

Facts are facts and they need no embellishment: Barack Hussein gave one of the worst debate performances in memory. He was, in a word, awful.

To repeal ObamaCare, repeal Obama.

Mitt Romney has stressed repealing ObamaCare — which pro-life groups strongly oppose because it funds abortions, prompts rationing concerns, and has the HHS mandate forcing religious groups to pay for abortion-causing drugs — throughout the campaign.

Obama’s claim IPAB doesn’t ration health care don’t match reality.

Obama claims the IPAB doesn’t make rationing decisions. But Obama is wrong and his statements misleading during the presidential debate.

Obama to face new TV ads blasting his radical pro-abortion record.

In three of the top presidential battleground states, Barack Hussein Obama will face $500,000 worth of television ads blasting him over his radical pro-abortion record.

ObamaCare is a problem for Catholics, Cardinal says in Respect Life Month message.

If you read those polls carefully….

NRL News Today takes a look at those "objective" polls which manage to show a very tight presidential race -- but can still assure us of vast support for Obama.

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