Friday, September 30, 2011

ObamaCare, PP & Investigating

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Doctors And AMA Split Over Contentious Issue Of ObamaCare

According to a new survey, the majority of doctors do not believe that the AMA represents their views and interests. Much of that dissatisfaction stems from the organization’s support for Obama’s contentious health care package.

ObamaCare lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court

The Justice Department is expected to ask the court to overturn an August decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that the law’s requirement to buy insurance is unconstitutional. The suit was brought by 26 states, the National Federation of Independent Business, and several individuals.

Survey Says ObamaCare is partly responsible for increased costs -- now!

The signature legislation of the Obama Administration, the Affordable Care Act, came under damaging assault Wednesday from a Kaiser Family Foundation survey that found it has already partially contributed to increasing health care costs.

Pro-Abortionists Misrepresent Where Public is on Pro-Life Legislation

The NY Times decries an intensified drive by "anti-abortion forces" who oppose abortion on demand."

House Committee to investigate Planned Parenthood

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s investigation subcommittee, sent the president of Planned Parenthood a letter asking for documentation to answer questions about the nation’s leading abortion provider’s “institutional practices and policies” and its “handing of federal funding.”

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Wrongful life, NRLC & Abortionist's Truth.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Couple Gets $4.5M Because Doctor Didn’t Suggest Abortion

A Florida couple will receive $4.5 million after winning a wrongful birth lawsuit claiming their son, born with no arms and one leg, should have become a victim of abortion.

National Right to Life on YouTube's nationalrighttolife's Channel

Watch the latest videos from National Right to Life [NRLC].

A pro-abortionist tells it like it is??!!

Amanda Marcotte, a pro-abortion blogger, backs Pro-Life assertions about PPFA about abortion being the lifeblood of the abortion behemoth.

When You think “Planned Parenthood…”

This year United States House of Representatives passed, for the first time ever, a bill that would cut off federal funds for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America -- a significant step forward in the attempt to pull the nation’s largest abortion provider out of the pockets of taxpayers.

Obama fundraiser linked to loan program that aided Solyndra

The White House faced mounting political complications as a second top fundraiser for Obama was linked to a federal loan guarantee program that backed the now-bankrupt Silicon Valley solar energy company.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stem cells, slippery slope, DC abortion funding.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

New Study Show Critical similarity between Embryonic Stem Cells and Ethical Alternative

A study out of the University of Wisconsin released late Sunday night concludes that embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are 99% identical. While caution should always be exercised, the potential impact is enormous.

Swedish doctor Charged with infant euthanasia

More about the slippery slope.

Woman Who Killed Infant Freed by Canada’s Pro-Abortion Law

Still more about the increasingly slippery slope.

Arizona Planned Parenthood Won’t Appeal

Planned Parenthood announced today that it will not appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court the Court of Appeals ruling which upheld the 2009 Abortion Consent Act.

House and Senate Panel at odds on bill funding abortions in Nation’s Capital.

While the House has approved a government funding measure that keeps the ban on taxpayer funding of abortions in the District of Columbia, a panel controlled by Senate Democrats has moved in the opposite direction.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

All Around The USA

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

New Hampshire: Obama wants to give $1.8M to Planned Parenthood.

In the wake of a decision by the New Hampshire Executive Council to revoke a $1.8 million grant Planned Parenthood, Obama is trying to reinstate the funding.

New Orleans abortion mill Shut down again.

For the second time, the Department of Health and Hospitals issued an order halting operations at Gentilly Medical Clinic for repeated health and safety regulations.

Next Step for the Texas Sonogram Law.

During the recent Legislative Session, the Sonogram Bill was passed and signed into law by Governor Rick Perry, protecting a pregnant woman’s right to view her unborn child and hear the heartbeat of that child. Judge Sam Sparks enjoined crucial parts of this law.


New York State Right to Life strongly supports legislation sponsored by Senator Greg Ball and Assemblyman Marcos Crespo to prohibit sex selection abortion in New York,used to prevent the birth of a child of an undesired sex: abortion is chosen solely based on an unborn baby’s gender.

Mass ballot prop for "Assisted Suicide" gets OK.

So-called Death with Dignity Act would allow doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to patients with supposedly less than six months to live.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

NRLC, Planned Parenthood & Obama.

Blog of Manhattan Right To Life

National Right To Life

An overview of who NRLC is, what NRLC is and what NRLC does.

We need to support and encourage new abortion providers.

As simple as it is chilling: More abortions are necessary for ‘Reproductive Justice.’

Judge Orders Kansas to give Tax Money to Planned Parenthood

In the latest skirmish in the battle between Kansas and Planned Parenthood, a judge has ordered the state to provide taxpayer funds to the abortion giant.

Possible abortion death in New Mexico, Medical Board stalling investigation

ACTION: Contact Lynn Hart, the director of the New Mexico Medical Board at 505-476-7221 and requesting investigation of this possible abortion death.

Top Pro-Abortion Activists to Headline Obama Fundraiser

In September, some of the top pro-abortion activists will headline a fundraiser for Barack Hussein Obama's up-coming campaign. This fundraiser is no surprise given the close relationships that he has with the abortion industry.

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