Friday, October 28, 2011

NC, ObamaCare & Backdoor Euthanasia

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

“Right to View” provision of NC’s “Woman’s Right to Know” law under attack.

District Judge enjoins ultrasound requirement in North Carolina’s “Woman’s Right to Know Law,” but other life-saving provisions take effect.

Supreme Court to pick ObamaCare lawsuits next month.

The Supreme Court will take its very first look at the lawsuits challenging ObamaCare next month when members of the high court meet on November 10 to decide which, if any of the multiple cases it will consider.

Issa Report: ObamaCare Hurts Married Couples.

A report from House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa says ObamaCare penalizes married couples by making it more difficult for them to obtain insurance subsidies.

Kansas pre-natal video website wildly successful.

While opponents have taken to the courts to try to stop new constitutional laws regulating abortion clinics and health insurance, they cannot prevent 24/7 access via smart phone or computer to the best scientific information on pre-bornlife.

Backdoor to euthanasia in England.

Official watchdog, the ‘Care Quality Commission’ (CQC), has found that hospitals are making use of ‘do not resuscitate’ (DNR) orders outside of medical guidelines, and that these potentially-lethal notices are being placed on the files of patients and being applied without the knowledge of either the patient or their relatives.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Protect Life bill & Fear

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

H.R. 358: Protect Life Act.

Tracking the United States Congress: Everything you want -- and need -- to know about the Protect Life Law, which just passed the House of Representatives.

National Right To Life applauds House approval of PROTECT LIFE ACT, slams Obama for threat to protect abortion subsidies with veto.

By a bipartisan vote of 251-172, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358), as Secretary of Health and Human Services Sebelius vehemently defended ObamaCare to a NARAL Pro-Choice America fundraiser, saying ‘we are in a war’ with critics of ObamaCare.

Protect Life Act: New bill would allow hospitals to refuse to perform abortions.

Check out HuffPost's pro-abortion two-fer: bashing the Protect Life Bill and the Catholic Church at the same time.


Pro-abortion groups file suit against North Carolina "Woman's Right to Know" law.

MRLC President Jeanne Head 2010 Life Prizes Video.

A 2010 Life Prizes Winner Jeanne Head of National Right to Life discusses her work and organization.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Protect Life Bill, Obama + San Jose.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

House OKs legislation stopping abortion funding in ObamaCare

The House approved the Protect Life Act, to stop abortion funding in ObamaCare, 251-172: 236 Republicans and 15 Democrats for, 170 Democrats and two Republicans against.

Obama threatens veto of pro-life bill

Barack Hussein Obama's press secretary says Obama will veto the pro-life Protect Life Act, just passed by the House.

Nancy Pelosi, and usual suspects, blast Protect Life Bill

Nancy Pelosi says the Protect Life bill is a "savage" attempt to withhold health care for women, allowing doctors to refuse to perform abortions particularly dangerous and that women can die on the health providers' floor. Crazy??!!

ObamaCare: The Facts On Abortion

Population Research Institute's simple, factual explanation of how ObamaCare expands abortion coverage in the United States.

San Jose Articles refute claim of international right to abortion

The San Jose Articles were introduced at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Drafted by a large group, the Articles refute the claim that there is a right to abortion under international law that all nations must accept.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Protect Life Act, Courts and Polls.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

U.S. House takes up Protect Life Act on Oct. 13! Act today!

House of Representatives expects to take up Protect Life Act (H.R. 358) October 13, 2011, to correct the numerous abortion-expanding provisions of ObamaCare. Act today!

Supreme Court will impact 2012 election

The Supreme Court term that began this week will be remembered not for the important cases already on the High Court’s docket, but for the four blockbuster cases knocking on the Court’s door.

Mexico’s Supreme Court upholds 2nd pro-life amendment

On Thursday Mexico’s supreme court upheld the right of a state to pass a pro-life amendment to its constitution to protect unborn children.

Rasmussen Reports Presidential Ballot 2012

"Generic" Republican holds six point lead over Obama in a hypothetical 2012 match-up, 47% to 41%.

New Hampshire Fights Obama on Planned Parenthood Funding

The New Hampshire Executive Council is not giving up its fight to revoke taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood and members of the council, which voted to revoke a $1.8 million contract, are fighting back against an Obama decision to force the state to fund the abortion business.

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