Friday, August 17, 2012

They're Back! + Bizarre + "Difficult."

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Catholics for Obama are back to hide Barack Hussein's abortion record.

During the 2008 presidential election, a Catholics for Obama effort led by Pepperdine law professor Douglas Kmiec apologized for then candidate Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record. Now, a new group of Catholics professors are leading a new effort to get the pro-abortion activist re-elected.

“Catholics for Obama” Co-Chair lies to present Obama as being Pro-Life.

Many believers strive for fidelity to their faith’s standards in humble reflection that those standards are rooted in divine wisdom. But there are also those who insist they know better and will square the circle of counting themselves among the faithful while picking and choosing which tenets to adopt and which to ignore.

Is Obama the real Pro-Life leader?

Nicholas Cafardi, a lawyer and newly named co-chair of "Catholics for Obama," has made a rather dubious claim: that it is Obama, and not Mitt Romney, who is the “true” pro-life candidate in this presidential election.

The deep unhappiness that lies behind an assertion that “I wish my mother would have aborted me.”

This curious and deeply unhappy article, written under a pseudonym, appeared first in a publication that congratulates itself that people who write for it are “dissatisfied with the limitations of deeply-embedded traditional gender roles," and tries to turn stories of redemption on their head.

How pro-abortionists defend abortion up to birth and for any reason, including the baby’s sex.

When faced with their own “difficult” cases, abortion advocates  customarily either deny they exist or rationalize them away or insist it’s none of anybody’s business. It’s amazing how many seem to matter of factly accept abortions no matter how developed the baby, but stumble . . . .

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