Friday, July 20, 2012

Dad With Mom, Catholicism + Sterilization.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Angelina Jolie’s dad backs Brad Pitt’s mom.

In the latest development in the saga surrounding the letter to the editor Brad Pitt’s mother wrote blasting Barack Obama on abortion, Jane Pitt has a new defender in Jon Voight, Brad Pitt’s father-in-law-to-be.  That Voight would have to come to Jane Pitt’s defense, rather than her son looking out for her, has caused many movie-watchers to see Brad Pitt in a negative light.

Obama: “Not Fair” to allow Catholic hospitals mandate opt out.

As if Barack Obama hasn’t done enough to sour the Catholic community with his egregious mandate requiring them to pay for abortion-causing drugs and birth control, now he has added insult to injury.

Why is Obama offering sterilization to all women?

No previous president ever promoted a giveaway more peculiar than Barack Obama's mandate that all health care plans must offer free sterilizations to all women -- but not all men -- capable of breeding.

Rationing of health care in England.

Patients denied key treatments due to NHS cost-cutting, surgeons warn Open letter accuses health trusts of letting public down by branding some elective surgery 'lower value'.

Obama’s "Science Czar" John Holdren once backed forced abortions.

Another nominee of Barack Obama is coming under fire for taking an extreme position in favor of abortion. This time, John Holdren, whom Obama appointed as Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is accused of backing forced abortions and population control.

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