Friday, July 13, 2012

ObamaCare & You, Repeal.

Blog of Manhattan Right to Life

Side Effects: Obama Administration admits You can’t keep your health plan.

During the health care reform debate, Barack Hussein Obama promised the American people, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” Now, even the Administration admits that this isn’t the case, stating that “as a practical matter, a majority of group health plans will lose their grandfather status by 2013.”

Brad Pitt’s mom: “Obama supports killing unborn babies.”

Jane Pitt, the mother of actor Brad Pitt, is making waves after penning a letter to the editor for her local newspaper slamming Obama and urging fellow Christians to vote for Mitt Romney.

Responding to: “I’m Pro-Life But Can’t Force my Morality on Others.”

This is an argument usually coming from people who don’t want to take a stand against abortion or get involved with pro-life work. They always say that other people don’t believe that abortion is killing a human so we can’t force “our morality” on them. Just because we are pro-life does not mean we should tell someone who is not pro-life they should not have an abortion.

Out-of-state abortifacient drugs on the Internet -- without a doctor's prescription??!!

The U.S .9th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear a civil suit challenging Idaho’s ban on getting out-of-state abortifacient drugs on the Internet, brought about by the arrest of Jennie McCormack, a single mom who aborted her 5 month-old unborn child with the harmful and damaging abortifacient drug called RU-486. When police came to her home to arrest her, they found frozen remains of her unborn child in a box-—criminal evidence that can make any rational human being cringe with disgust.

Developments that are shaping the contours of the 2012 Presidential race.

The House of Representatives has voted to repeal ObamaCare by a vote of 244-185. That repeal, strongly supported by National Right to Life, was the first House vote on repeal since the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare, known formally as the Affordable Care Act.  With that as a backdrop, NRLC talks about four other developments that will help shape the 2012 contest for President.

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